Many people don’t realize it, but Fall is a great time to think about landscaping and planting flowers early for next season and even sow grass seeds despite the weather. Autumn is also a perfect time to plant fall garden and landscape enhancing plants like trees and shrubs. This idea of growing in the Fall might sound counter-intuitive, but while the temperature may be dropping, the soil is still warm and just right for root development. Cooler weather conditions can result in garden plants being less stressed than they would by high temperatures.

Fall (pre-frost) is the perfect time to look for local, and even mail-order bargains on perennials, shrubs, trees, and cool-season turfgrass seeds. There’s a variety of plants that can be sown this time of year. Just remember, perennials and shrubs must be planted before the ground freezes and becomes hardened so their roots can grow and become well established. 

Here are some recommendations (from House Beautiful) that can be planted during this season:


Winter Jasmine 


Winter Aconite 

With proper planning and the right choices, you can start designing early and reap the benefits during fall and winter and also after they’re gone.